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Software patents harm SMEs

Revision as of 05:18, 27 September 2010 by Ciaran (talk | contribs) (Reasons: it's a list)

During the lobbying around the EU software patents directive, representatives of small and medium enterprises were against software patents.


  • SMEs can't afford to get patents. (See: costs of patenting)
  • The patent grant process is too slow. SMEs have to get to profitability quickly to survive.
  • SMEs can't afford to do patent searches to avoid patent risk.
  • SMEs can't afford to defend themselves against patent litigation, even if they're sure the patent is invalid. They can't even get insurance against the risk of unintentional patent infringement (insurance companies know when a risk is too big to take on).
  • The cost of enforcing their own patents might exceed the size of revenue they would be trying to protect.



(See other studies on economics and innovation)

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