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Harm caused by all types of patents

Revision as of 11:03, 16 December 2010 by (talk) (Wayne's proposal to repeat the experiment)

While most campaigns against software patents think it's better to focus specifically on excluding software, some people think the whole patent system should be axed. This is of course another way to get rid of software patents.

Patents failing in general

As well as the protests against patents on software ideas, other fields where patents draw particular criticism are pharmaceuticals and agricultural products.

In September 2008, the staff of the EPO went on strike to complain about the decline in patent quality.[1][2] In May 2009, the EPO President Alison Brimelow announced she would be stepping down after less than two years in the job.[3] Also in May 2009, the EPO office in Munich was surrounded by pigs and tractors in a protest against patents on biotech.[4]

Comparison to hardware manufacturing

The problem of blocking useful freedoms, which is very clear for software, can be seen to an extent in other fields.

While individuals and communities often don't manufacture hardware (see the Amana Corporation and Community) they sometimes do, and even when they don't, the question of individual liberty is important. A device that was not operable by women for example would not be acceptable in most societies.

If someone patents a method for making hardware, it may not directly reduce people's liberty, however if may indirectly do so. For example a patent was recently issued for a propane powered lawnmower. Propane powered lawnmowers had been made by hobbyists for years, however the issuance of this patent makes converting a gasoline fueled lawnmower to propane fuel by a hobbyist illegal. It is possible that this patent was not legally issued, depending upon how the patent office rules are interpreted.

It has been argued that making and designing hardware requires a large amounts of money and materials, that there are laws and regulations that place restrictions on making various types of hardware. While this is true, anyone with a minimal amount of education can learn how to build large hardware projects, for an example in Scrappy Races competitors have to build Automobiles out of scrap with a limited budget, and race them across the United Kingdom. As an example of a patent that could affect this sort of competition is the one litigated in KSR vs Teleflex where the patent in question was invalidated by the Supreme Court of the United States. The patent covered a particular shape of lever, which was found to be obvious by the court.

All of the arguments against software patents, also apply to hardware patents. The issues are:

  1. Do we limit our effectiveness by only arguing against one issue?
  2. Do we make ourselves more effective by only arguing against one issue?
  3. Do we leave ourselves open to further attack at a later time by only arguing one issue?

Wayne's research

A study a while back by Groklaw contributor Wayne aka "The Mad Hatter", which involved reading several hundred patent applications, which was mentioned in a post. In this study, he found not even one valid patent.[1] The patents checked were patents that:

a) He had an interest in. b) Were in a field he had expertise in.

None of the patents that he understood met the US Patent Office regulations for issuance of a patent, according to his understanding of those regulations. Some patents, about 10% of the total, he noted that he couldn't understand. He noted that the odds of reaching similar numbers with another batch of patents was, in his estimation, quite high.

B6T5vA <a href="">golcylddelty</a>, [url=]rimwnqytjlhk[/url], [link=]jhaloymfsbko[/link],

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External links

  • This article indicates that patents might be slowing the progress of environmental progres
