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EPO EBoA referral G3-08

Revision as of 02:54, 1 October 2009 by Ciaran (talk | contribs) (External links: links===)

In October 2008, the president of the European Patent Office referred question "G3/08" to the EPO's Enlarged Board of Appeals, asking for clarifications regarding exclusion of "programs for computers" from patentability under Article 52 of the European Patent Convention.[1] As part of the referral process, a public consultation was held which ended on April 30th 2009.[2]

You can see the submitted briefs here: Briefs submitted to EPO EBA G3-08. For the previous discussions on how best to reply to the public consultation (now closed), see EPO G3-08 brainstorming.

External links links

After receiving the responses to the consultation, the EPO published information to repeat its claim that it doesn't grant software patents:
