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Clogging up the legal system

Revision as of 07:49, 5 June 2013 by Ciaran (talk | contribs) (Software patents create litigation. This means occupying the time of judges and all the legal infrastructure involved in court cases. It also means that university educations are being wasted working on something with no social benefit. Abolishing soft)
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Software patents create litigation. This means occupying the time of judges and all the legal infrastructure involved in court cases.

It also means that university educations are being wasted working on something with no social benefit.

Abolishing software patents would free up resources in our legal systems, making them more efficient, and would free up lawyers to work on useful topics.

If there was a good reason, then this would be ok. For example, having a law against kidnapping clogs up the legal system too, but that's fine because kidnapping is bad, so society accepts to pay that price. But mountains of studies on economics and innovation show that software patents are bad for society, so there's no reason to let them clog up the legal system.

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