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Cablegate info on software patents

This is just a starting point. Help sought. No info available right now.

Wikileaks is being attacked by various hosting and DNS organisations, so the links on this page may stop working and need to be changed.

Wikileaks is publishing the cables very slowly. As of 6 Dec 2010, it has published only 926 cables from the archive of 251,287.

How to search the Wikileaks cables

Among the leaked U.S. diplomatic cables published by Wikileaks, it seems that cables about patents and copyrights ("IP") are tagged "KIPR".[1]

KIPR cables analysed so far

Note: nothing of interest to patents has been found in these cables.

The names are two-digit year, city, and then some serial number.

  • -read means someone read the whole text and found no mention of patents.
  • -scan means someone just searched for the word "patent" and found nothing.
  • -boring means the text does mention the word "patent", but says nothing of interest.

Cables checked (nothing interesting found)

These are in the order that they were released by Wikileaks, with the newest at the top.

The below list includes all "KIPR" memos released up to and including: 2010-12-13

External links

  • The cables tagged with "KIPR" - the "KIPR" tag is for patents (and other "IP") topics but we don't know if that means that looking at just these cables will show us all the ones with impact on patent policy
