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ACTA-6437-10.pdf as text

Revision as of 08:38, 2 March 2010 by Ciaran (talk | contribs) (blanks for formatting of table)
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ACTA-6437-10.pdf is a working document from the ACTA negotiations, leaked on March 1st 2010. It is probably the most substantial leaked document to date.

Everything below is word-for-word, space-for-space, a transcript of what's in that PDF of scanned files, including their formatting errors, typos, and where text is repeated. It starts at page 2 because the first page is just a cover page.

The countries involved are: USA (US), Japan (J), Canada (Can), New Zealand (NZ), Australia (Aus), Mexico (Mex/MX), Morocco (Mor), the European Union (EU), Singapore (Sing), South Korea (Kor), Switzerland (CH). And "MS" is "EU member states".

  • 1. Section 1: Civil Enforcement
Pages: 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17
  • 2. Section 4: Special Measures Related To Technological Enforcement Means And The Internet
Pages: 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23...

Page 2


(latest consolidate text 18/01/10)
Article 2.1 Availability of Civil Procedures
1. Each Party shall make available to right holders [US/J: civil judicial][Mex/NZ: or administrative] procedures concerning the enforcement of any [US/J: intellectual property right] [Sing/Can/NZ: copyrights and related rights and trademarks] [Kor: as provided for in the following individual articles in this Section All IPR should be included in this section.
Proposed article 2.1.1 moved to Article 2.X Injuction - Option 1 2. [EU: Those measures, procedures and remedies shall also be effective, proportionate and deterrent] This proposal is an EU/Can/NZ proposal. It reflects TRIPS and EU acquis.
Needed unless this provision is moved to a proposed "general Article".

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Article 2.X Injuctions Article 2.X Injuctions
Option 1: In civil judicial proceedings concerning the enforcement of [Can/NZ: copyright or related rights and trademarks] [US/J: intellectual property rights], each Party shall provide that its [US/J: judicial authorities] [NZ: competent authorities] shall have the authority to issue an order to a party to desist from an infringement, including an order to prevent infringing goods from entering into the channels of commerce [US/Aus/Kor/Mor/NZ: and to prevent their exportation].1 [EU: Option 2: Each Party shall ensure that, where a judicial decision is taken finding an infringement of an intellectual property right, the judicial authorities may issue against the infringer an injuction aimed at prohibiting the continuation of the infringement. The Parties shall also ensure that the right holders are in a position to apply for an injunction against intermediaries whose services are used by a third party to infringe an intellectual property right.] The added value compared to TRIPSS and to the US/JP proposal is the possibility to apply for an injuction against intermediaries.
The EU considers this proposal as important as far as "intermediaries" are concerned.

However, this proposal is linked to the EU proposal in Article 2.5.
Flexibility might be found in a new wording which could embody this Article 2.X and the two first sentences of the EU proposal in 2.5.X.

[1 Kor: A Party may comply with its obligations relating to exportation of infringing goods through its provisions concerning distribution or transfer.]

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Article 2.2 Damages Article 2.2 Damages
1. Each Party shall provide that:

(a) in civil judicial proceedings, [US/J: its judicial authorities] [Mex/NZ: or competent authorities] [EU/NZ: on application of the{EU: injured party}{NZ:right holder}] shall have the authority to order the infringer [EU/NZ: who knowingly or with reasonable grounds to know, engaged in infringing activity] of [Can/Sing/NZ: copyright or related rights and trademarks] [US/J: intellectual property rights] to pay the right holder

(i) damages adequate to compensate for the [EU: actual] injury the right holder has suffered as a result of the infringement2, or the [EU: or]
1. Each Party shall provide that:

(a) in civil judicial proceedings, its judicial authorities [EU: on application of the injured party] shall have the authority to order the infringer [EU: who knowingly or with reasonable grounds to know, engaged in infringing activity] of intellectual property rights to pay the right holder

(i) damages adequate to compensate for the [EU: actual] injury the right holder has suffered as a result of the infringement3, or the [EU: delete "or"]
In general the EU comments in this article are important. Little flexibility for the negotiation.

This bracket might be withdrawn.

The EU considers this proposal important.
In the EU, the minimum harmonisation exits for negligence and bad faith/intentional infringement. Good faith is, in some MS, taken into account as a reason for not granting damages (patent) or for low pre-established damages. However, in other MS good or bad faith are irrelevant to establish damages.
It is the reason why the EU proposed to make this distinction and to add a §3 for the infringement in "good faith".

Important proposal.
The EU sticks on the concept that damage compensates all the prejudice but only the prejudice. Neither "punitive damage" nor "future prejudice" is acceptable.

[2 US/Mor: In the case of patent infringement, damages adequate to compensate for the infringement shall not be less than a reasonable royalty.]

[Sing/Aus/EU/Can/NZ: Delete US/MOR footnote]

[3 US/Mor: In the case of patent infringement, damages adequate to compensate for the infringement shall not be less than a reasonable royalty.]

[Sing/Aus/EU/Can/NZ: Delete US/MOR footnote]

Page 5

(ii) [US/Mor/Aus/Kor/Sing: at least in the case of copyright or related rights infringement and trademark counterfeiting,][MX: in the case of IPR infringements] the profits of the infringer that are attributable to the infringement, which may be presumed to be the amount of damages referred to in the cause (i)[Aus/Sing/NZ/EU: which may be presumed to be the amount of damages referred to in clause (i)]; and

[EU: Delete (ii) {as originally proposed?} and move (ii) into paragraph 2.2.1(b)--Please clarify]
(ii) [US/Mor/Aus/Kor/Sing: at least in the case of copyright or related rights infringement and trademark counterfeiting,] the profits of the infringer that are attributable to the infringement, which may be presumed to be the amount of damages referred to in clause (i); and
[Aus/Sing/EU: Delete of "which may be presumed to be the amount of damages referred to in clause".]
[EU: delete (ii) and move (ii) into paragraph 2.2.1(b)
Important for the EU to move (ii) into paragraph 2.2.1.b as it is criteria for evaluating damges.
[(iii) Can/NZ: For greater certainty, a Party may limit or exclude damages in certain special cases.]
(b) in determinning the amount of damages for [Can/Sing/NZ: copyright or related rights infringement][MX: IRP] infringement [US/J: of intellectual property rights] [Can/Sing: and trademark counterfeiting], its [US/J:judicial][NZ: competent] authorities [US/J: shall][Aus/Can/NZ:may] consider, inter alia, [Can/NZ: any legitimate measure of value that may be submitted by the right (b) in determining the amount of damages for infringement of intellectual property rights, its judicial authorities shall consider, inter alia [EU: the lost profits], the value of the infringed good or service, measured by the market price, the suggested retail price, or other legitimate measure of value submitted by the right holder, [EU: the profits of the infringer that are attributable to the infringement].
Important to add the two following criteria:
"lost profit" and

"profits of the infringment that are attributable to the infringement"
(criteria taken from article 2.2.1.a(ii)).

Page 6

holder, including] [EU/Can/NZ: the lost profits], the value of the infringed good or service, measured by the market price, [Can: or] the suggested retail price [NZ: suggested retail price], or other legitimate measure of value submitted by the right holder [Can/NZ: or other legitimate measure of value submitted by the right holder], [EU the profits of the infringer that are attributable to the infringement].

[MX: Please specify the way in which the amount of the damage, particularly the scope of the "legitimate measure"] {Editorial comment: Please clarify this statement}
2. At least with respect to works, phonograms, and performances protected by copyright or related rights, and in cases of trademark counterfeiting, in civil judicial proceedings, [EU/Can: As an alternative to paragraph 1,] each Party [US/J: shall][EU/Can/NZ: may] establish or maintain a system that provides [Sing/NZ: for]:

  (a) pre-established damages; or [Sing: a system that provides for]
2. At least with respect to works, phonograms, and performances protected by copyright or related rights, and in cases of trademark counterfeiting, in civil judicial proceedings, [EU/Can: As an alternative to paragraph 1,] each Party shall [EU/Can: may] establish or maintain a system that provides:

(a) pre-established damages; or

(b)presumptions for determining the amount

Important to keep this paragraph optional.

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b) presumptions for determining the amount of damages4sufficient [US/Can: to constitute a deterrent to future infringements and] to compensate [US: fully] the right holder for the harm caused by the infringement.5 of damages6sufficient [US/Can: to constitute a deterrent to future infringements and] to compensate [US/Can: fully] the right holder for the harm caused by the infringement.7 Footnote on "lump sum": Flexibility - if the inclusion of the verb "may" is important, the EU may re-consider its example, added under (iii).
3. Each Party shall provide that the right holder shall have the right to choose the system in paragraph 2 as an alternative to the damages in paragraph 1.

[US: will propose editorial changes at upcoming round to clarify the language] [Aus/Mex/NZ: Delete paragraph 3.]
3. [EU: Where the infringer did not knowingly, or with reasonable grounds knows, engage in infringing activity, each Party may lay down that the judicial authorities may order the recovery of profits or the payment of damages, which may be pre-established.] It is important to keep this paragraph to guaranty the coherence of the EU proposal even if this proposal is only optional.

4Such measures [US/Sing/Can/EU/NZ: may] include the presumption that the amount of damages is (i) the quantity of the goods infringing the right holder's intellectual property right and actually assigned to third persons, multiplied by the amount of profit per unit of goods which would have been sold by the right holder if there had not been the act of infringement or (ii) a reasonable royalty [EU: or (iii) a lump sum on the basis of elements such as at least the amount of royalties or fees which would have been due if the infringer had requested authorization to use the intellectual property right in question].

[5 US/Mor: No Party is required to apply paragraph 2 to actions for infringement against a Party or a third party acting with the authorization or consent of the Party.]

6 Such measure [Option J: shall][US/Sing/Can/EU: may] include the presumption that the amount of damages is (i) the quantity of the goods infringing the right holder's intellectual property right and actually assigned to third persons, multiplied by the amount of profit per unit of goods which would have been sold by the right holder if there had not been the act of infringement or (ii) a reasonable royalty [EU: or (iii) a lump sum on the basis of elements such as at least the amount of royalties or fees which would have been due if the infringer had requested authorization to use the intellectual property right in question].

[7 US/Mor: Neither Party is required to apply paragraph 2 to actions for infringement against a Party or a third party acting with the authorization or consent of the Party.]

Page 8

4. Each Party shall provide that its judicial [NZ: competent] authorities, except in exceptional circumstances, [EU: unless equity does not allow this], shall have the authority to order, at the conclusion of the civil judicial proceedings [US/J : concerning copyright or related rights infringement, patent infringement {Can/NZ: patent infringement}, or trademark infringement] [EU: concerning copyright or related rights infringement, patent infringement, or trademark infringement], that the prevailing party [US/J: shall][Can: shall] be awarded payment by the losing party of [NZ: appropriate ] court [{EU: reasonable and proportionate}EU/CAN/NZ: legal] costs or fees. Each Party [US/J:shall] [Mor: may] also provide that its [US/J: judicial] [NZ: competent] authorities, [US/Can/Mor/MX/NZ: except in exceptional circumstances] [EU: unless equity does not allow this], [US/Can/Aus/Mor: {US/Aus/Mor: at least }in proceedings concerning copyright or related rights infringement or willful trademark counterfeiting,] shall have the authority to order, [J/Can/Aus/NZ: in 4. Each Party shall provide that its judicial authorities, except in exceptional circumstances, [EU: unless equity does not allow this], shall have the authority to order, at the conclusion of the civil judicial proceedings [US/J : concerning copyright or related rights infringement, patent infringement, or trademark infringement] [EU: concerning copyright or related rights infringement, patent infringement, or trademark infringement], that the prevailing party [US/J: shall] be awarded payment by the losing party of the court [{EU: reasonable and proportionate}EU/CAN/NZ: legal] costs or fees. Each Party [US/J:shall] also provide that its [US/J: judicial] authorities, [EU: unless equity does not allow this], [US/Can/Aus/Mor: {US/Aus/Mor: at least }in proceedings concerning copyright or related rights infringement or willful trademark counterfeiting,] shall have the authority to order, [J/Can/Aus/NZ: in appropriate cases], that the prevailing party be awarded payment by the losing party of [US/J: reasonable][NZ: appropriate] attorney's fees. [US/Aus/Mor: Further, each Party shall provide that its judicial authorities, at least in exceptional circumstances, shall have the authority to                  

Page 9

appropriate cases][MX: in appropriate cases], that the prevailing party be awarded payment by the losing party of [US/J: reasonable][NZ: appropriate] attorney's fees8. [US/Aus/Mor: Further, each Party shall provide that its judicial authorities, at least in exceptional circumstances, shall have the authority to order, at the conclusion of civil judicial proceedings concerning patent infringement, that the prevailing party shall be awarded payment by the losing party of reasonable attorney's fees.][Mor: ,fees should be left to the discretion of the judge who determine the reasonable level of these fees][EU: Further, each Party shall provide that its judicial authorities, at least in exceptional circumstances, shall have the authority to order, at the conclusion of civil judicial proceedings concerning patent infringement, that the prevailing party shall be awarded payment by the losing party of reasonable attorneys' fees. order, at the conclusion of civil judicial proceedings concerning patent infringement, that the prevailing party shall be awarded payment by the losing party of reasonable attorneys' fees.] [EU: Further, each Party shall provide that its judicial authorities, at least in exceptional circumstances, shall have the authority to order, at the conclusion of civil judicial proceedings concerning patent infringement, that the prevailing party shall be awarded payment by the losing party of reasonable attorneys' fees.                  

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Article 2.3 Other Remedies Article 2.3 Other Remedies
1. [US: At least] [Can: At least]with respect to goods that have been found to be [US/Aus/Can/Sing/Kor/NZ: pirated or counterfeit] [J/EU/MX: infringing an intellectual property right], each Party shall provide that in civil judicial proceedings, at the right holder's request, [J/Aus/EU/Can/MX/Kor/NZ: its judicial{NZ:competent} authorities shall have the authority to order that] such goods shall be [NZ: forfeited to the right holder] [US/J: destroyed], [EU/Can/NZ: recalled or definitively removed from the channel of commerce,] except in exceptional circumstances, [Can: except in exceptional circumstances,]without compensation of any sort. 1. with respect to goods that have been found to be [J/EU/MX: infringing an intellectual property right], each Party shall provide that in civil judicial proceedings, at the right holder's request, [J/Aus/EU/Can/MX/Kor/NZ: its judicial authorities shall have the authority to order that] such goods shall be [US/J: destroyed], [EU/Can/NZ: recalled or definitively removed from the channel of commerce,] except in exceptional circumstances, without compensation of any sort.
Important (scope)

Wide support.

Important as it could be a pre-condition for destruction
2. Each Party shall further provide that its judicial authorities shall have the authority to order that materials and implements [J/Can/EU: the predominant use of which has been] [US/Aus/NZ: that have been used] [EU: that have been used] in the manufacture or creation of [J/MX/EU: infringing {MX: of IP}] [US/Aus/Can/Sing: pirated or counterfeit] goods [NZ : infringing copoyright or 2. Each Party shall futher provide that its judicial authorities shall have the authority to order that materials and implements [J/Can/EU: the predominant use of which has been] [US/Aus/NZ: that have been used] [EU: that have been used] in the manufacture or creation of [J/MX/EU: infringing] goods shall be, without compensation of any sort, [US/EU/MX: promptly][US/J: destroyed] or, [US/EU/MX/NZ: in exceptional
Destruction of material and implements is a TRIPS+ provision
Important to set limits.

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relate rights or trademarks ] shall be, without compensation of any sort, [US/EU/MX: promptly][Aus: promptly] [Can: without undue dely][NZ: forfeited to the right holder] [US/J: destroyed] or [US/EU/MX/NZ: in exceptional circumstances,][Aus: in exceptional circumstances,] disposed of outside the channels of commerce in such a manner as to minimize the risks of further infringements.

[Sing/Can: Request clarification of "manufacture" relative to "creation" in the context of this provision.]
circumstances,] disposed of outside the channels of commerce in such a manner as to minimize the risks of further infringements.
3. In regard to counterfeit trademarked goods, the simple removal of the trademark unlawfully affixed shall not be sufficient [J/Aus/Can/MX:, other than in exceptional cases,] to permet the release of goods into the channels of commerce.
[4. EU: The {NZ: Each Party shall further provide that its} [EU/NZ: judicial authorities shall {NZ: have the authority to} EU/NZ: order that those measures be carried out at the expense of the infringer, unless particular reasons are invoked for not doing so.] Important to keep this proposal.
(costs under the burden of the infringer).
[5. {EU/Can : In ordering these measures,

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the judicial authorities}{NZ: Each Party shall further provide that its judicial authority in ordering these measures} EU/Can/NZ: shall take into account the need for proportionality between the seriousness of the infringement and the remedies ordered as well as the interest of third parties.] Already in TRIPS Aritcle 46 (third sentence).

Possible flexibility in the EU position.
Article 2.4 Information related to Infringement Article 2.4 Information related to Infringement
   [EU: Without prejudice to other statutory provisions which, in particular, govern the protection of confidentiality of information sources or the processing of personal data,] Each Party shall provide that in civil judicial proceedings concerning the enforcement of [US/J: intellectual property rights][Can: copyright or related rights and trademarks], its judicial authorities shall have the authority upon a justified request of the right holder, to order the infringer to provide, [US/J; for the purpose of collecting evidence] [EU: for the purpose of collecting evidence][Mor: within the framework of measures of inquiry or investigation], any [Can: relevant] information [EU: information on the origin and distribution network of the infringing goods or services on a commercial    [EU: Without prejudice to other statutory provisions which, in particular, govern the protection of confidentiality of information sources or the processing of personal data,] Each Party shall provide that in civil judicial proceedings concerning the enforcement of [US/J: intellectual propoerty rights], its judicial authorities shall have the authority upon a justified request of the right holder, to order the infringer to provide, for the purpose of collecting evidence, any information [EU: information on teh origin and distribution network of the infringing goods or services] [J: in the form as prescribed in its applicable laws and regulations] that the infringer possesses or controls, [J/Can/EU/MX: where appropriate,] to the right holder or to the judicial authorities. Such information may include information regarding any person or persons involved in
Important to preserve this "without prejudice" provision

Important to limit the type of information that can be requested

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scale] [J: in the form as prescribed in its applicable laws and regulations] that the infringer prossesses or controls, [J/Can/EU/MX: where appropriate,] to the right holder or to the judicial authorities. Such information may include information regarding any person or persons involved in any aspect of the infringement and regarding the means of production or distribution channel of such goods or services, including the identification of third persons involved in the production and distribution of the infringing goods or services or in their channels of distribution. [Can: For greater clarity, this provision does not apply to the extent that it would conflict with common law or statutory privileges, such as legal professional privilege.]

[Aus/NZ: Supports deletion of this article] [MX: It should be considered to have flexibility concerning administrative remedies as stipulated in Article 199 bis 1.]
any aspect of the infringement and regarding the means of production or distribution channel of such goods or services, including the identification of third persons involved in the production and distribution of the infringing goods or services or in their channels of distribution.

Article 2.5 Provisional Measures Article 2.5 Provisional Measures
[X. EU: Each Party shall provide that [X. EU: Each Party shall provide that its This proposal is linked to the EU proposal in Article

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its judicial authorities shall have the authority, at the request of the applicant, to issue an interocutory injunction intended to prevent any imminent infringement of an intellectual property right. An interlocutory injuction may also be issued, under the same conditions, against an intermediary whose services are being used by a third party infringe an intellectual property right. Each Party shall also provide that provisional measures may be issued, even before the commencement of proceedings on the merits, to preserve relevant evidence in respect of the alleged infringement. Such measures may include inter alia the detailed description, the taking of samples or the physical seizure of the documents or of the infringing goods.]

OPTION1 [1. US/EU/Sing: Each Party shall provide that its judicial authorities shall act expeditiously on requests for provisional measures inaudita altera parte] [Sing: and shall endeavor to make a decisions on such requests within ten days except in exceptional cases .] [US/EU: , and shall endeavor to make a decision on such requests {US: within ten days}{EU: without delay}{MX: within twenty days}, except in exceptional cases.]
judicial authorities shall have the authority, at the request of the applicant, to issue an interlocutory injuction intended to prevent any imminent infringement of an intellectual property right. An interlocutory injunction may also be issued, under the same conditions, against an intermediary whose services are being used by a third party to infringe an intellectual property right. Each Party shall also provide that provisional measures may be issued, even before the commencement of proceedings on the merits, to preserve relevant evidence in respect to the alleged infringement. Such measures may include inter alia the detailed description, the taking of samples or the physical seizure of documents or of the infringing goods.]

OPTION1 [1. US/EU/Sing: Each Party shall provide that its judicial authorities shall act expeditiously on requests for provisional measures inaudita altera parte] [US/EU: and shall endeavor to make a decision on such requests {US: within ten days}{EU: without delay}, except in exceptional cases.]
2.X (Injuction)
Flexibility might be found in a new wording which could embody the two first sentences of this article 2.5.X and Article 2.x.

The added value compared to TRIPS and to the US/JP proposal is the possibility to apply for an injuction against intermediaries.
EU considers this proposal important as far as "intermediaries" are concerned.

Important to not be imposed a strict time frame (10 days). No flexibility

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OPTION2 [1. J: Each Party shall ensure that, where proceedings for provisional measures are conducted inaudita altera parte, the {J: judicial}{MX: competent} authorities shall be expeditiously make a decision on the request for provisional measures.]

OPTION3 [1. Can/Aus/Kor/NZ: Each Party's authorities shall act on requests for {Can/Aus: relief}{Kor/NZ: provisional measures} inaudita altera parte {Can: without undue delay} {Kor/Aus/NZ: expeditiously} in accordance with the Party's judicial rules.]
2. [US/J/NZ/MX: In civil {US/J: judicial}{NZ: or administrative} proceedings {MX: or administrative remedies} concerning copyright or related rights infringement and trademark counterfeiting{NZ: infringement}], [EU: In civil judicial proceedings concerning copyright or related rights infringement and trademark counterfeiting], each Party shall provide that its judicial authorities shall have the authority to order [Can/NZ:, in appropriate cases,] the seizure or other taking into custody of suspected infringing goods, materials, and implements relevant to the act of 2. [EU: In civil judicial proceedings concerning copyright or related rights infringement and trademark counterfeiting], each Party shall provide that its judicial authorities shall have the authority to order the seizure or other taking into custody of suspected infringing goods, materials, and implements relevant to the act of infringement. [US/Aus/Can/NZ: and, at least for trademark counterfeiting, documentary evidence relevant to the infringement ][Sing: used to accomplish the prohibited activity ]. Important to keep a wide scope.

No particular opposition to this US/Aus/Can/NZ proposal as it is "at least..."

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infringement [US/Aus/Can/NZ: and, at least for trademark conterfeiting, documentary evidence relevant to the infringement ][Sing: used to accomplish the prohibited activity ].

[MX: Clarify that "custody" in provision is intended to prevent an infringement and preserve evidence. ]
3. Each Party shall provide that its [US/J: judicial][MX: competent] authorities have the authority to require the plaintiff, with respect to provisional measures, to provide any reasonably available evidence in order to satisfy themselves with a sufficient degree of certainty that the plaintiff's right is being infringed or that such infringement is imminent, and to order the plaintiff to provide a reasonable security or equivalent assurance set at a level sufficient to protect the defendant [EU/Can:,ensuring compensation for any prejudice suffered when the measure is revoked or lapses due to any reason,] and to prevent abuse, [US/J: and so as not to unreasonably deter recourse to such procedures] [Can: an so as not to unreasonably deter recourse to such procedures]. 3. Each Party shall provide that its [US/J: judicial] authorities have the authority to require the plaintiff, with respect to provisional measures, to provide any reasonably available evidence in order to satisfy themselves with a sufficient degree of certainty that the plaintiff's right is being infringed or that such infringement is imminent, and to order the plaintiff to provide a reasonable security or equivalent assurance set at a level sufficient to protect the defendant [EU/Can: ,ensuring compensatoin for any prejudice suffered when the measure is revoked or lapses due to any reason,] and to prevent abuse, [US/J: and so as not to unreasonably deter recourse to such procedures]                  

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[NZ: Delete this paragraph.]
[4. EU/Can: Each Party shall ensure that the provisional measure referred to in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 are revoked or otherwise cease to have effect, upon request of the defendant, if the applicant does not institute proceedings leading to a decision on the merits of the case before the competent judicial authority, either within a reasonable period to be determined by the judicial authority if the laws of a Party so permit or within a period not exceeding 20 working days or 31 calendar days.]

[NZ: Delete this paragraph.]

Already exist in TRIPS
Possible flexibility

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(latest consolidate text 18/01/10)
[US/AUS: ARTICLE[2.17]{MX:2.18}:

[CAN: Expressed concern with disparity between section title and scope of content of section]
[J: The title should be decided after the completion of the substantive discussion.]
EU supports the JP comment to come back to the title of the Section and of the Article after the completion of the substantive discussion.
1. Each Party shall ensure that enforcement procedures, to the extent set forth in the civil and criminal enforcement sections of this Agreement, are available under its law so as to permit effective action against an act of [US: trademark {AUS: infringement}, copyright or related rights][J/EU: intellectual property rights] infringement which takes place [US: by means of the Internet][EU: in the digital environment] 1. Each Party shall ensure that enforcement procedures, to the extent set forth in the civil and criminal enforcement sections of this Agreement, are available under its law so as to permit effective action against an act of [J/EU: intellectual property rights] infringement which takes place [EU: in the digital environment] , including [US: expeditious remedies] to prevent [US/EU: infringement and remedies which constitute a deterrent {EU:10} to further infringment]

Important (scope)

Important: It should cover offline and online, which is the "digital world".

Footnote on "deterrent": Flexibility: This footnote is not

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, including [US: expeditious remedies][MX: measures] to prevent [US/EU: infringement and remedies which constitute a deterent {EU:9}to further infringement][MX: or deter such infringements.] [EU: Those measures, procedures and remedies shall also be fair and proportionate.]

[CH: Switzerland understands that in Para. 1 the terms "expeditious remedies" refers to the language used in Article 41 of the TRIPS Agreement and that, accordingly, provisional measures (preliminary/interlocutory injunctions) available under national law are considered qualifying as "expeditious remedies" under this provision.]

[CAN: Seeks clarification of the scope of "related rights" (should be consistent with both Criminal and Civil Enforcement Chapters). This holds for all instances of "related rights" in this section.]

[J: Japan supports overall concept of Paragraph 1. However, it should be noted that infringement of intellectual property rights other than trademark, copyright or

[EU: Those measures, procedures and remedies shall also be fair and proportionate.]

[EU: see identical comment on the draft Chapter 2, Section 1 "Civil Enforcement" and Section 3 "Criminal Enforcement". A suggestion is to move these provisions into Chapter 1, Section A which applies to the whole Agreement. Direct reference to TRIPS might also clarify the scope of these obligations ]

Important but the EU suggests to move this provision into the proposed general introductory Aritlce.

9[EU: For the purpose of this section, the term deterent is to be understood in accordance with Parties legal system.]

10[EU: For the purpose of this section, the term deterrent is to be understood in accordance with Parties legal system.]

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related rights on the Internet is also a serious problem. Thus, infringement which takes place by means of the Internet should not be limited to that of trademark and copyright or related rights.]
[EU: see identical comment on the draft Chapter 2, Section 1 "Civil Enforcement" and Section 3 "Criminal Enforcement". A suggestion is to move these provisions into Chapter 1, Section A which applies to the whole Agreement. Direct reference to TRIPS might also clarify the scope of these obligations ]

2. Without prejudice to the rights, limitations, exceptions, or defenses to [{J: patent, industrial deisng, trademarke and}{US: copyright or related 2. Without prejudice to the rights, limitations, exceptions, or defenses to [EU: intellectual property rights] infringement available under its law, including with respect Important: This paragraph establishes the principal of 1/3 Party Liability.

Definition of TPL in the footnote (14): Important to

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rights}][EU: intellectual property rights] infringement available under its law, including with respect to the issue of exhaustion of rights, each Party [US: confirms that] [CH: shall provide for] [US/J: civil remedies {J:11}][MX: administrative, civil or penal actions], as well as limitations, exceptions, or defenses with respect to the application of such [US: rememdies][MX: actions], are available in its legal system in cases of third party liability12 for [{J: patent, to the issue of exhaustion of rights, each Party [US: confirms that] [US/J: civil remedies ], as well as limitations, exceptions, or defenses with respect to the application of such [US: rememdies], are available in its legal system in cases of third party liability14 for [EU: intellectual property rights] infringement].15 preserve a neutral wording of the definitions

The EU supports the negotiator's note to locate this provision in the civil enforcement section.

11 [J: For the purpose of this paragraph, "civil remedies" shall mean both damages and injuctions or either one of these]

12 For greater certainty, the Parties understand that third party liability [{US: means}{AUS/NZ: may include} liability for any person who authorizes for a direct financial benefit, {US: induces through or by conduct directed to promoting} {CH: induces an} infringement, or knowingly and materially aids any act of {US: copyright or related rights}{J: copyright or related rights} infringement by another.] [EU: refer to the concept of holding other persons other than the actual infringer liable for their involvement in the infringement.] [US: Further, the Parties also understand that cases that do not conflict with a normal exploitation of the {EU: service or of the product or in the case if copyright of the} work, performance or phonogram, and do not unreasonably rejudice the legitimate interests of the right holder, {US: including fair use, fair dealing, or their equivalents.}{EU: including fair use, fair dealing, or their equivalents} ][J: Further, the Parties also understand that the application of third party liability may include consideration of exceptions or limitations to exclusive rights that are confined to certain special cases that do not conflict with a normal exploitation of the work, performance or phonogram, and do not unreasonably rejudice the legitimate interests of right holders, including fair use, fair dealing, or their equivalents. ]
[CH: Further clarification is requested regarding the practical difference between the two cases of inducement referred to in this FN with "induces through or by conduct"? Case examples would be appreciated. Alternatively, Switzerland proposes [as reflected above] to delete this part and to refer to cases of inducement without any further clarifcation.]
[CAN: Footnote changes meaning of substance in text. Canada seeks clarification of the second part. Sentence beginning "Further..." Is redundant with respect to substance in text.]
[J: The first sentence of Footnote (1) is basically acceptable.
The second sentence refers to "three-step test" and Japan understands this rule is important, however, the reference is not appropriate because "three-step test" applies to copyright, while the scope of Paragraph 2 should not be limited to copyright or related rights. In addition, making

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industrial design, trademark and}{US: copyright or related rights}]EU: intellectual property rights] infringement.13

[J: Japan basically supports Paragraph 2 but would like to confirm or propose the matters below:
- "civil remedies...are available" will be implemented if a Party at least makes available either damages or injuctions. In other words, a Party is not obliged to make both damages and injuctions available.
- Infringement of rights to patent, industrial design and trademark by third parties is also a serious problem, so Japan proposes a reference to these rights.

reference to a specific legislation of a specific country such as "fair use" is inappropriate in this context. ]

13 Negotiator's Note: This provision is intended to be moved and located in the civil enforcement section. [AUS: reserves it position on this negotiator's note and the placement of the current 2.17.1 until the civil and digital enforcement sections of Chapter Two are nearing completion.]
[EU: supports footnote 23 to move and locate paragraph 2 in the civil enforcement section]

14 For greater certainy, the Parties understand that third party liability [EU: refer to the concept of holding other persons than the actual infringer liable for their involvement in the infringement.][US: Further, the Parties also understand that the application of third party liability may include consideration of exceptions or limitations to exclusive rights that are confined to certain special cases that do not conflict with a normal exploitation of the {EU: service or of the product or in the case of copyright of the} work, performance or phonogram, and do not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the right holder, {US: including fair use, fair dealing, or their equivalents.}{EU: including fair use, fair dealing, or their equivalents} ]

15 Negotiator's Note: This provision is intended to be moved and located in the civil enforcement section. [AUS: reserves it position on this negotiator's note and the placement of the current 2.17.1 until the civil and digital enforcement sections of Chapter Two are nearing completion.]
[EU: supports footnote 23 to move and locate paragraph 2 in the civil enforcement section]

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(working on it)

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