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2009 study

This study should be mentioned:

My quick analysis is that it's got a very limited scope. The idea that software patents might cause problems doesn't seem to have been explored. It's also very Japan-specific, arguing that Japan's software production model should change, and then arguing that software patents might be good because they will change Japan's software production model. The idea that there are other ways to change the software production model doesn't seem to have been explored.

If there is a study showing the potential positive effects of using free software in Japan, this the combination could be used to show that software patents are the worse of two options for changing the model of software production in Japan. Ciaran 07:34, 7 August 2009 (EDT)

A study which might have some info

I haven't looked at this, but if someone has time...

Karjala D. (1990), "Intellectual Property Rights in Japan and the Protection of Computer Software", In: Rushing F. W., Brown C. G. (eds.) (1990).

Not even sure where to find a copy. Ciaran 09:32, 28 September 2009 (EDT)